
I was feeling very small as a human being, but I was the size of a beached whale. I knew I had to do something but I was afraid to ask for help. I had a great desire hangout around for my grandchildren and knew if I didn’t change my path I wouldn’t be around to see them grow. I didn’t have any confidence in myself to try and do anything on my own.

I knew Corey from other interactions in my life and knew he was a gym owner. From the minute I walked on the floor I was welcomed and told it didn’t matter where I was physically I was going to get better, I had to do the work but Corey would be by my side in the ups and downs of life.
He has been true to his word.

When I was feeling unworthy of his time he kept telling me I was worth it. I was worth it, me! It filled my heart with pride and that nagging self doubt began to crawl away into the dark.

I couldn’t do 1 sit up and maybe two push-ups. I barely could get up off the ground. That was January 27th, 2023. Today I am down 4 inches and 20 lbs. I love how I feel. I walk 2 miles without a care, my legs are much stronger, I can get up and down off the floor , and I do 30 push-ups and sit-ups a day. Best of all my fear is gone when I get to the gym door.
Corey if anyone ever needs help walking in that door I will be there to walk with them.


Life is a work in progress! Knockout Lifestyle with Corey Willis, helped me change my life and get me back toward the man I want to be. Life is full of excuses not to take care of yourself, and as a family man I put my family above myself. The program helped me realize putting my health as a priority is still putting my family 1st! The program isn’t just physical health, it’s helped with my mental and emotional health, as well as, helped my marriage become better than ever! Take a chance on yourself and Knockout your excuses to become the best YOU! Thank you Corey!


I just want to start by thanking Corey and his Knockout Lifestyle for making such a great transformation in my life. I know starting this journey in the beginning (before the first workout) I knew I was making the right decision. After a week when I couldn’t even lift my arms to get a drink of water or get up a set a stairs without limping I thought to myself what are you doing you are crazy. But Corey was always there to keep me motivated and moving forward and after the beginning pains settled I realized this was one of the best decisions I ever made to get myself into better shape not only for me but my family also.

So thanks again to Corey for all the workouts and nutritional guidance from early morning to after hours and for being in my corner helping be a better version of myself for me and my family.


I got into half marathon running in 2020. I started from scratch. last time I ran more than 3 miles was in high school so I started training then covid happened and the Fargo half was moved back to September. I trained for 8 months and over trained hurting my hip flexors. I ran Fargo twice and Missoula once with hurt hip flexors, but something was still off. how was I going to get where I wanted to go. my nutrition was whack, my hip flexors, glutes and hamstrings were weak. I needed a change or I would never make it to run in every state.

I talked to correy Willis and he was in the process of starting the knockout lifestyle program. I said I need a change. all this training and I’m not getting results. I started doing this program in between half marathon training and was able to watch calories, eat well using a pick 1 strategy of each major food group to ensure proper nutrition, I ate what I wanted in moderation while staying within my personal calorie range. I began to feel better, energy improved, and doing extra hip strengthening to get my hips where they need to be. I recently just ran a half in Nashville and felt great with no hip flexor discomfort. I plan on getting my nutrition back on track in between half marathon training as I need more calories during half marathon season. On deck is Montana half, Hawaii half, Iowa half, Fargo half third time, and spartan big fork. All next year.

This is not a one day fix its a lifestyle change and if you stick with it. I promise a better you physically, mentally, and emotionally. it works trust the process. it’s not a quick fix and doesn’t work if you don’t give it your best effort. do you want change? make it happen.


I think I’ve hit that sweet spot where I’ve found real motivation. I don’t care if I never lost another pound. I enrolled to get re-certified in six sigma (for no other reason than I’m a weirdo with weirdo interests) but I read 5 chapters last night and passed the white belt examination and have spent the last 2 hours making chapter notes and outlines so when I eventually get to the black belt certification I have a study guide and don’t have to reread any of the book.

This is the brain I’ve been missing and I don’t know how to describe how I’m feeling. I cried a little bit ago. Really. Sobbed actually. A couple months ago I was looking forward to being worm food and now…I don’t know…very overwhelming in the best kind of way. Having the accountability of this program is exactly what I needed…clearly I’m having some odd and profound moment of growth ? But wanted to share- super grateful that when I texted you, you were understanding and not dismissive! This is the first time I’ve been REALLY proud of myself in a long time. Going to frame it and put it next to my bed ?


The choice it takes to do what you need to do. To know you have someone behind you 100% ( Accountability) Family atmosphere. To work on yourself and see the results is the best pain you can go through for yourself and being there for others also feels awesome.


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